Friday, December 17, 2010

Thursday, December 16, 2010

My husband informed me my date for yesterday was wrong. All my days run together here but I fixed it so that Wednesday was the 15th instead of the 14th :)

Today, Thursday the 16th was just another day under Grayson's belt. He finished his last dose of Busulfan (16 doses total) this morning and received his first dose of Fluderabine at 2pm this afternoon. He tried to pull out his central line today. Not on purpose but the tubes were not pinned up to his shirt at the time and he grabbed it and yanked which made him cry and me cry because I thought he pulled it out. Fortunately he only tore a stitch and while it did move the line/tube out of him a little, they took an x-ray and it showed the line was still central which meant no surgery to repair. It does mean that we really need to watch and make sure that it doesn't get caught on his foot or that he doesn't grab it again which is not easy with a busy 10 month old. I need to figure out a clever way to hide the tubing while it’s still attached to the machines and still give the nurses access to them. Any ideas?

I got to see my Gavin today. My husband and mother also but my little boy just wanted me to hold him the whole visit. That was the most wonderful part of my day today. Hugging my firstborn who is about to give something of himself to his baby brother to save his life. I am just thrilled and amazed that this is even able to happen. The nurse told me today that whatever Grayson's blood type is now will change to Gavin's after the transplant as well as his immunity identity. Anything that Gavin is allergic to or immune from, Grayson will now be allergic to or immune from. Pretty cool! Although that means neither of them can have PB&J's.

My husband brought Grayson's walker which he can actually sit in and walk around in with his IV pole in tow. Of course my husband a.k.a. MacGyver, created an attachment to the IV pole with rope and carabiners that all the IV pole to hook to the walker or my belt loop so that he can pool around his own IV pole or I can carry Grayson and tow the IV pole behind me so that I have a free hand. The nurses were in awe of this clever system as we strolled the halls during our usual have-to-get-out-of-our-room laps. Did I mention how ingenious my husband is? So thankful for his craftiness.

The only other event today was that he has to take an antibiotic by mouth twice a day as a preventative measure and he keeps throwing it up. They don't make this antibiotic in IV form. Unfortunately he had to miss his evening dose because we tried twice to get it in him and both time it came right back up even with his anti-nausea meds already delivered. That stunk because if he winds up not being able to take this drug, we have to move to the less effective ones which don't work as well to prevent the pneumonia he is at risk of developing after transplant. Please pray he is able to stomach the Bactrim tomorrow morning.

Thank you Jesus for my husband. You have blessed me with a man who knows you and desires not just a continued relationship with you but a deeper understanding of who you are and what you desire for his life. I am so thankful for his creativity, resourcefulness, and problem solving skills. Thank you for our church and the wonderful people that you have put in our lives as role models and friends. I want to thank you specifically for the Meyers family who continues to bless us and our son Mason. I ask that you bless the time that Mason gets to share with Annette, Mike and their sons every Wednesday. Thank you for protecting Grayson's central line today. Thank you for allowing me to have a special time with Gavin today and that he was willing to let me snuggle with him for a while. Thank you for my mother and mother-in-law who are giving up so much of their time and energy to come and be the caretakers of my children and house while I cannot. I am truly blessed by their sacrifices.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pam. I'm from UBC and have enjoyed Gavin in the toddlers room several times. Heard about your ordeal and have been praying and following your blog. Just wanted you to know your support system is spreading! Praying for your sweet baby and continued strength for your whole family.
    Love, Holley, Craig, Clay and Travis Hovermale
